Does Givesome keep a percentage of my donation?
Givesome keeps 0% of any money donated through our platform.
Does my entire donation go to the charity?
Standard credit card fees are taken directly by the credit card companies, otherwise 100% of your donation goes to the charity.
Does Givesome provide tax receipts?
Givesome does not provide receipts, but registered charities that you support through our platform will send you tax receipts for eligible donations.
Which projects and charities can I get tax receipts from?
Look for charities and projects with our receipting icon on them. If it has the receipting icon beside it, it is eligible for a tax receipt.
How do I get a tax receipt?
You must create a free account (once), input your receipting information (full name, email address, mailing address) and opt to have your information shared with the charity in order to receive a receipt.
Donations of $20 or more are eligible for a tax receipt.
If you make multiple small donations that add up to $20 or more over the course of a calendar year to the same charity, you will also be eligible for a tax receipt.
Donations you make using the funds from a givecard PIN are not eligible for a tax receipt
How much will the tax receipt be for?
You will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the eligible donation you made (i.e. it will not be reduced by the credit card fees).
How and when will I receive my tax receipt?
Since charities themselves send receipts for eligible donations, they are required to send all receipts for the previous year by the last day of February for the upcoming tax season.
Some charities may opt to issue the tax receipt as soon as they receive the funds from Givesome.
Depending on the charity, they will be sent by mail or email.
How do I order Givecards or launch a page for my company or charity on Givesome?
Email and someone on our team will contact you.
When will I get a video for the projects I donate to?
Charities are asked to submit their impact video within 12 weeks of their project being funded.
Videos for the projects you have donated to will appear in your profile for you to view.